If you are traveling back or planning to travel back to Kuwait, be assured to check your status. KUWAIT’S civil ID travel bank may be out of many reasons like unsettled traffic tickets or other fines. Usually, expatriates do not know about and are arrested upon arrival in Kuwait. So to avoid any embarrassment, first of all, you must check your Kuwait Civil ID Status whether you are free to travel to Kuwait or your ID has a travel ban.
Let us now first know what is meant by a travel ban. Kuwait civil government issues orders to their state ports to bar certain expatriates from incoming into Kuwait or do not let them leave out. This travel ban can close if you settle any outstanding tickets on your travel. Usually, this is a straightforward procedure, you pay your dues or fines, and your Kuwait civil ID travel ban will settle.
In the following lines, we will let you know how to check whether you have a travel ban to Kuwait or not.
Step 1: Firstly, you need to visit the Kuwait Government e-services Platform – MOI and go to Personal Inquiry about MOI E-services. Under this tab, click the red button which says Start eService, as shown below screenshot.
Step 2: Secondly, a new screen, as shown below screenshot, will pop up. Here you can change the language to English or Arabic as per your liking. Going forward, we will use the English language by clicking English on the top left corner.
Step 3: Once you have selected the language of your desire, in the third step, you will click Electronics Services to access a list of all services, including checking the status of the Kuwait civil ID travel ban.
Step 4: Once you click Electronics services, the below list of options will appear in front of you. Here you can locate Travel Ban as shown in the below picture.
Step 5: Click the Travel Ban icon as shown in the earlier screenshot. Next, you will prompt with log-in credentials details. Here in the first box, you will need to provide your User Name, and in the second box, insert your password. Then check the captcha to prove your identity. Once you have provided your details, click sign in.
Once you have successfully signed into the portal, you will have details of your travel status, whether you are banned from traveling into Kuwait or otherwise. If your ID is on the ban, you will also have information on why your ID is on the ban, and if your ID is not banned, you are free to travel into Kuwait.